Dangerous situation: fastboot during flight

We had an issue today where our HereLink “changed” to fast boot during the flight and the SBUS output did freeze in a non neutral position. There was no possibility to make any input until a full reboot was performed (by pressing the power button for 30 - 60? seconds).

I’m still waiting for the log files to arrive but wanted to draw attention on the issue anyhow.

Thank you, but I don’t think the air unit has a problem. I tested to switch of the remote unit today and RTL was triggered instantly.

It seems to be that the remote unit can hang up and keep sending the last pwm values from the sticks before it did freeze.

One would need a fail safe mechanism to check if the pwm values do not change form some seconds to fix that.

Ok, that sounds weird. I will test that tomorrow. Thank you for the hint!

@HighFreq71 is there any documentation on this? I could not find it in the docs?