Ins_acc_bodyfix should be 2?

Using Arducopter Fw on a Cube, should INS_ACC_BODYFIX be 2?

I noticed that after accel calibration it set ins_acc temps only on 1 and 2 and leaves 3 at -300 (this i just noticed on a black that just came in for update and i am about to run a similar test on a brand new Orange). I can see that Acc3 still gets -300 and basically has not been calibrated.

I tested both with the default ins_enable_mask set to 3 and to 7 with the same result.

I am leaving the post here for anyone that might him self in the same situation.
Deleted everything from the board by running Rover and then installing again 4.2.1 copter. Changed INS_enable_mask from 3 to 7, reboot, allowed time to heatup and then run accel calibration. Now all three imu shows values and cal temps. Seems the Fw for the Cube (black atleast) comes preset on 3