Hi, I have managed to get this passthrough working using the same setup described without any additional setup needed.
laptop 1 -> ethernet adaptor -> herelink -> herelink air -> ethernet adaptor -> laptop 2
I can ping back and forth, and ssh into each computer from the other. However I can not telnet from one to the other, even after I allow tcp on the relevant port using ufw. Is there any additional setup required in order to do this? I intend to eventually have a python application running on each laptop using sockets to communicate (or anything similar), does this connection allow this and would it be suitable? I just cannot find any other information online other than these threads.
Additionally I would like to be able to connect to the flight controller using mission planner on the ground laptop, I can do this using the hotspot on the herelink controller, but it does not work when using the wired connection. It makes sense that it would not work if it is just a transparent ethernet link straight through to laptop 2, but is it possible to be able to do this without having to be connected to the herelink hotspot?
Ethernet adaptors used:
Ground side Buy the StarTech USB3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet NIC Adapter ( USB31000NDS ) online - PBTech.co.nz
Air side https://www.pbtech.co.nz/product/ADPSTT2374377/StarTech-USB31000SW-USB-30-to-Gigabit-Ethernet-NIC