Seagull#REC Camera Controller Lua Script For Herelink

Cube black plus is the latest version of cube black, it has newer sensors, this is only for users that cannot use the Orange cube, if you can use the orange cube, please do.

Cube black
IMU1 MPU9250
IMU2 LSM303D/ L3gd20
IMU3 MPU9250

Cube black+
IMU1 ICM20948
IMU2 ICM20602
IMU3 MPU9250

Great. Thanks for that.

Hi @MadRC

For zoom in and out, I want to use herelink roll wheel so what should I do. Please help me.

@Madrc Are C long press and D long press free to use or already in use for zoom in/out ? @MadRC Please reply me.

You mean now in this script, no longer c long press and d long press will not be there as the whole C button and the D button is utilised for zoom in and out respectively? Am I correct ?

And the script you gave above is for C button for zoom in, here my question is that will it directly zoom to the max zoom limit of my camera or it will zoom slowly like 2.5x zoom, 3,5x zoom,5x zoom, and at last 10x zoom in the maximum pwm value. Is it like it.
For zoom in and out, I want to use herelink roll wheel so what should I do. Please help me. @MadRC