0 cannels found error while calibrating QGC joystick

Has anyone run into this problem?
All wired correctly, tried both on SBUS1 and 2. both umits updated to the last version through USB.

Forgot to add, FC is Orange Cube

Did you try calibrate joystick in herelink setting page then save ?

Yes, I did everything according to the instructions. The joystick calibrate OK on the radio screen, includig the sbus, and all was saved.

Ok, did you try to upgrade controller and airunit firmware to the latest?
Can you please take a picture of your setup if you do not mind ?

Yes, updated both ground and air units through USB and both updates went well.
I will take some picttures of the set up and post later. Basically, the air unit is powered by a BEC at 9V, the UART cable is connected to the TELEM1 on the cube, and SBUS1 is connected to RCIN in thhe cube.
The cube itself is powered by a 6S Lipo through its power unit, and connected to the GPS antenna.