CAN BUS termination inside Cube

If anyone involved in the design of Cubes are reading this, I would like to suggest a slight change in CAN bus design, moving the termination resistor from inside the Cube to the carrier board. For those making their own carrier boards, and own designs transferring drones to all CAN bus, more freedom in where the bus starts and ends may be of value. CAN bus standard of stub length max 30 cm makes it inconvenient for many designs to have the bus termination in the center of the drone for large drones.

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I think this is a good idea as well. When building UAS based on CAN bus with CAN servos, ESCs, and sensors, having the ability to terminate the bus somewhere other than the Pixhawk would allow the designer more freedom in their CAN bus design. The carrier board could also include a jumper for connecting and disconnecting the termination resistor. This is common in CAN boards (e.g.: Teensy 4.1 Triple CAN Bus Board With Two CAN 2.0B And One CAN FD Port With 240x240 IPS). Having to add the jumper to the board might make CAN less accessible for the average user, but it would be useful for larger CAN bus setups.