CAN bus transceiver part numbers

What is the part number for the CAN transceivers used in the Cube Black and Cube Orange?

These are parts U3003 and U3004 found on sheet 3 of the Cube Black PDF schematic, and parts U16 and U18 found on page 9 of the Cube Orange PDF schematic.

p/n: TJA1051TK/3,118

After some digging around I noticed that the FMUv3 Pixhawk Open Hardware Design bill of materials lists the CAN transceiver as MAX3051EKA+T which fits the pin names in the Cube Black/Orange schematics perfectly and a PCB photo shows it has the expected top marking (“AEKF”).

I think that the TJA1051TK/3,118 mentioned above can’t be right, since it is intended for 5 V operation while the Cube feeds 3.3 V to the transceivers. Additionally, pin 5 of the transceiver is grounded in the Cube schematic which doesn’t make sense for the TJA1051TK/3.

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