Conflicting Input Voltages

Hi guys, so i have been having an r/reboot issue with my Cube Orange plus.

Im using the Mauch sensor and bec to Power 1 and 2 on the cube. A Castle Creations bec set to 5v (getting 4.95v w volt meter) to power the servo rail.

The only thing i assume that is drawing power from the cube is my Canbus Here4 GPS yet i get a consistent reboot. I have telemetry 1 going to a herelink and telemetry 2 going to RFD 900x thats powered by the servo rail.

I’ve been planning to set the Castle Creations bec to 5.5v because im assuming that the cube is trying to supply the servo rail with that extra .5 volts or maybe its doing it through telem 2? I say that because if i unplug the rfd900 telem 2 connection it doesnt reboot and works fine.


My question is, is there any way to confirm that and also, will having a slightly higher servo rail voltage be an issue?

Do you have a picture ? Power1 and Pw2 have dedicated BEC on each ?
How is powered the Herelink air unit and with which volatage ?


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Rudimentary i know. I can make a better diagram in a bit if that helps.

The Cube (or carrier board) wont attempt to do anything to the servo supply except measure it. You can have up to 5.4v on the servo rail typically, and 10v maximum.
Set LOG_DISARMED,1 and supply the resulting .bin log.
I’d be looking at power flags and voltage levels in the log, amongst other things.

1   MAV_POWER_STATUS_BRICK_VALID      // main brick power supply valid
2   MAV_POWER_STATUS_SERVO_VALID      // main servo power supply valid for FMU
4   MAV_POWER_STATUS_USB_CONNECTED    // USB power is connected
8   MAV_POWER_STATUS_PERIPH_OVERCURRENT   // peripheral supply is in over-current state
16   MAV_POWER_STATUS_PERIPH_HIPOWER_OVERCURRENT   // hi-power peripheral supply is in over-current state
32   MAV_POWER_STATUS_CHANGED         // Power status has changed since boot
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Ok ill do that this afternoon.

2024-08-03 07-59-34.bin (775.7 KB)

Here is a bin file that might so the reboot message that pops up every 30 seconds. After plugging in and unplugging some stuff I realized that it is the GPS that when unplugged, it doesnt reboot. Once you plug it back into CAN port it will cause a reboot. Should i try to update the FW for the GPS through Mission Planner I was going to but then i thought well if it trys to reboot while updating that could be an issue.


Im pretty convinced it has to do with the Here4 and also it doesn’t seem to be the cube rebooting because im not losing RC control or mavlink connection at any point. I noticed too that once i get a solid gps lock it goes away… still concerning.

Set this to match the region
Also there is a Here4 update to do, but DO NOT do a UBLOX update!

This might have been what you saw - the Here4 can momentarily lose gps after 1 hour of use.

I couldnt see anything else wrong, except you need to set your correct battery voltage levels and failsafe actions. Unsure about other plane-related settings.

Hmm ive done the update in dronecan page, no change. Also changed the GNSS type to 7 Bitmask. Updated through DroneCan, Its showing 1.14.D

Also set Min Arm Voltage and A few of the other mandatory settings. I probably should mention that im in my garage doing bench testing. Itll be a few weeks and after range test itll fly. Still have a lot of configurations to do. I learned my lesson last year… :sweat_smile:

Have you tried powering the RFD900 DIRECT from the 5v BEC instead of at the Cubepilot or from its own BEC? They can draw a lot of peak current especially if in full power transmit.

It will have the same issue even if the rfd 900 is completely disconnected and unpowered. Its only wheb the Here4 has no sat lock. After 4 sats it stops saying "or reboot "

That Here4 firmware version has to go up to 1.14.F
I believe you have to somehow manually choose the version to download, rather than letting it be automatically discovered and updated.
I dont have one here to test unfortunately.

Ok ill put that on the “To Do List”

Thank you for your help. Ive been testing this setup all weekend and i have had no issues with that particular message. As stated , once i get 11 Sats i get EKF and all other messages go away. Everything seems to be ok. Ill see what i can do about the update.