from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode
Connection string for different methods
For Serial (USB) connection: ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’ or ‘COM3’
For Network connection: ‘’ (replace with your drone’s IP and port)
connection_string = ‘’ # Replace with your drone’s connection string
baud_rate = 57600 # Baud rate for serial connection, not needed for IP connections
Connect to the Vehicle
print(f"Connecting to vehicle on: {connection_string}")
vehicle = connect(connection_string, baud=baud_rate, wait_ready=True)
Get some vehicle attributes (state)
print(" GPS: {}".format(vehicle.gps_0))
print(" Battery: {}".format(vehicle.battery))
print(" Last Heartbeat: {}".format(vehicle.last_heartbeat))
print(" Is Armable?: {}".format(vehicle.is_armable))
print(" System status: {}".format(vehicle.system_status.state))
print(" Mode: {}".format( # settable
Close vehicle object before exiting script
print(“Connection closed.”)
I am trying to connect drone through dronekit which is connected to herelink, I don’t know the IP address for drone also I coundt find it I tried all possible way but it gets stuck where it cant find heartbeat