what is the difference between VDD_SERVO and VDD_SERVOIN in cube 80 pin connector. Also, I am not able to understand how their corresponding pins (pin 53 and pin 9 respectively) are connected to the carrier board.
VDD_SERVO connect to the 5V pin of the servos outputs and is used to monitor the voltage of the servos rail
VDD_SERVO_IN is connected to the PSM but I don’t remember the function
VDD_SERVO (pin 53) is an input used to monitor the voltage of the servo rail. It du not provide power.
All positive servo pins are connected together on most of the carrier boards, so in case you connect a Ubec to one of them, the VDD_SERVO will monitor this power supply.
I don’t remember the voltage limit, @Philip ?
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The VDD_SERVO_IN connect to the PSM (Power Selection Module)
No, the positive pins of servo rail are just connected together (to allow using one to power all others) and to VDD_SERVO (to monitor)