Cube Autopilot debugging

Hi. I have a Cube Orange + running on a Cube mini carrier board and I would like to step through the ardupilot code line by line in VSCode. What set of hardware do I need to do that?

My assumption is I can use the available DCD-S port on the mini carrier board to do that without making any modifications to neither the cube nor the carrier board. I tried searching the net for guidance on this but didn’t find any.

So far, I tried to connect the DCD-S port to an adapter board from 1bitsquared (Black Magic Probe to Drone Code Debug adapter board: 1BitSquared - Drone Code Debug Adapter) using 1bitsquared provided cable (reversed. do I need non-reversed) and connect the adapter board’s JTAG connector to STLINK-V3SET’s STDC14 connector without much success.

Problem solved. The DCD-S cable we obtained from 1BitSquared has reversed pin order.

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Well done and welcome

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