Cube Orange Multirotor performing weirdly


What i have is the following

Somewhere I read, it should show SLCAN and MAVLINK. Probably on the Cubepilot description page.

Yes you are correct…but I too had a tought time while doing this 2 years ago…until today there is no alternative other than trial and error…however you could also try using Zadig drivers to install your ADB driver. Use Ver .2.6

I would open a command prompt as admin
Copy and paste these two lines into the command prompt

set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

In the device manager that opens go to View / Show Hidden Devices
Open the Ports section
right-click and uninstall all the half-greyed devices, choose to uninstall drivers if prompted

Now reboot, then install the MissionPlanner driver.msi

@Harish_Patel …Today I was able to install Px4 through Windows 10 using the following link for the drivers. Now I have changed from v1.12.3 to Px4 Master developer firmware …

This link will expire in few days … Just install the msi driver and again go back to QGC. It should work …

Screenshot for the Device Manager.

Hi, Thanks.

Will it work for Windows 7?

it should work…But I dont have Win 7 loaded…

Thanks for this. In fact, this did not resolve anything, even on QGC (on windows 10).

I want to thank all for your help with Updating the firmware on my Cube Orange.
Finally, I was able to upgrade to the latest firmware. I did this by using the UPLOAD CUSTOM FIRMWARE method. Of course, I have used this method on my laptop. I used all other methods on my + my friend’s laptop. But did not use the custom method on his. I did that and things are now upgraded.

Thank You.

Now let us move to the testing phase as @xfacta has guided.

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What is the customer Px4 firmware version you are using ?

Sorry. Did not get you.
What is that or where can I check it to share it with you?

Sorry for the typo !! Are you using Px4 firmware v1.13.2 ?

I have now put the latest Ardu 4.3.3

oh great !!!

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