Cube Orange+ Unable to Arm in Altitude Mode After Reflash (Jetson Xavier Offboard Control Issue)

We recently reflashed our Cube Orange+ flight controller with version 1.14.3 stable (same version as before), but now we’re facing an issue with offboard control via a Jetson Xavier (using USB TTL to Telem 2). Previously, our script armed the drone in altitude mode, and it performed autonomous takeoff and offboard control.

After the reflash:

  1. The drone won’t arm in altitude mode (though QGroundControl shows it’s armed), and the motors don’t spin.
  2. In manual mode, the drone arms and the motors spin autonomously, but it can’t be controlled by the Jetson.
  3. It won’t also arm on offboard mode because it says the required position data is missing.

We suspect either a parameter reset or a communication issue between the Jetson and Cube Orange+. Any advice on resolving this?

here is the log: