"Detected 0 radio channels", herelink, orange cube, mini carrier board

Hi there,

I’m setting up a quad with Herelink + Orange Cube on a mini carrier board and am getting a “Detected 0 radio channels…” error on the controller unit.


  • Air Unit firmware version: AU01230714
  • Controller updated to the latest version
  • Orange Cube version: Copter 4.5.7

Attached is a ZIP file containing the parameters.

When researching the problem, most sources suggest it’s likely an RC-in connection issue. It should be connected correctly – see the attached image of the wiring.

However, there is another detail in this setup that I suspect could be the culprit, and I hope to get some feedback from you all. The controller unit has a defective roll wheel; I believe the wheel sensor is broken or malfunctioning. Because of this, I cannot complete the roll wheel calibration, nor can I finish the SBUS calibration. The sticks work fine; it’s only the roll wheel that’s broken. This also means the SBUS calibration is stuck in an “uncalibrated” mode, which I suspect might be causing the error.

So, two questions remain:

  1. Does the wiring look correct?
  2. Could the calibration issue be causing the error message?

params.zip (5.3 KB)