Developing for Cube Orange with ADS-B Carrier

Hi Everyone,
I’ve recently acquired myself a cube orange, and want to do some software development. The User Guide that came with my device references which appears to be a dead link.

My intent is to use the blackmagic probe (or Zubax DroneCode Probe if that’s preferred) and serial wire debug interface to debug software on the FMU. But I can’t for the life of me find a reference diagram for the cube’s ADS-B carrier board. I’ve found references to the 80-pin interface (common across all cubes) containing IO and FMU SWD pins, but get lost when it connects to the carrier.

tl;dr: Where can I debug the Cube Orange (either directly, or through carrier / mini-carrier)? Where can I find more developer information for the cube?

Note: Looks like there’s some incorrectly formatted markdown in the user guides for the cube module here:

Edit: I’ve pushed a PR to fix a lot of the formatting issues on that mentioned page. Am I correct in saying the correct approach to debugging the hardware is to purchase and solder a connector (SM06B-SURS-TF(LF)(SN)) to the (presumably) carrier board and attach to it that way?

Thanks in advance!

I believe it is the same as the standard carrier board, you can use the debug port at the bottom of carrier board to do debugging

Thanks for the reply - The only reference I can find of an inside of a carrier board (either standard or ADS-B) is from Bask Aerospace - standard carrier board. I hope what I’m understanding from @Sjourney is that the image of the underside of the carrier PCB is the two debug ports for IO and FMU. If that’s the case, I can place my digikey order and get started! :smiley:

Thanks again!

Perfect! Absolute legend!

Sorry to bump an old thread but I’m trying to do the same. Where in this picture are the debug ports?

@Alex_Burka The debug connectors are on the left side of the image above.

Unfortunately, no anchor link available, but search this page


Debug (New Standard Debug) (Digikey PN for housing SM06B-SURS-TF(LF)(SN)-ND)

According to Developing for Cube Orange with ADS-B Carrier - #2 by Sjourney you can use the connector at the bottom of the board (?) One is IO debug and the other is FMU debug. I believe FMU Debug is P108 (?)

I never ended up debugging on this hardware, I was debugging on a different board, sorry I can’t be more help.

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