Escler calibre olmuyor

Öncelikle pixhawkimi mision planer bagladim sonra ise esc calibrasyonu tikladim esc calibre etdikten sonra pixhawk mission planere bağlanmiyor sorun nedir acaba

Esc calibrasyonunu mision planerde yazana göre yaptim

This is the translation :- *First of all, I connected my pixhawk to the mission plane, then I clicked on the esc calibration. After calibrating the esc, the pixhawk does not connect to the mission plane, I wonder what is the problem?

calibrated the ESC according to what is written in the mission planer.

Are you using a Pixhawk or Cube?

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Pixhawk 2 4 8

Pixhawk kullanıyorum bide elinde here 3 gps ve orange cube uygun gps kablosu varmi

Help me understand a little more? You are trying to use a Here 3 GPS with 2.4.8 Pixhawk

I’m using Pixhawk, do you have Here 3 GPS and Orange Cube suitable GPS cable?

Yok sadece escler kalibre etmiyor kabire etmeye basiyorum misson pnalerden ayarliyorum ama kabire olduktan sonra baglanmiyor

[quoteNo, it’s just that the ESCs don’t calibrate, I press the calibration button, I adjust it using the misson pins, but after calibrating it, it doesn’t connect.

Have you tried calibrating the ESC’s the traditional way with just a receiver?