Extracting video from Herelink

Hi all starting to enjoy my Herelink,I hope this is final question,ive got the video working good over the Herelink,my problem now is there is 3 videos recorded in the Herelink,how to I get them onto my laptop,I tried removeing the SD card no go,I altered the usb settings from charge tand tried all the settings there were have I gone wrong please

When you connect your controller to computer, a storage space should appear.

Thank you for that Alvin,will give it a try any thing else to open on the radio side

Hi @MartyMcFly

When I connect the ground unit to the PC, first I need to activate the possibility to transfer files. For that - on herelink- swipe down from the top of the screen. Then you can scroll down to the USB connection details and activate file transfer. Otherwise you will only see Herelink as an empty drive on you PC.



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thank you Sven Herelink just gets better