First time autotune flight

I have guad. AUW is about 5,5kg.

  • FC: cube blue
  • Herelink
  • T motors KV300
  • Props 22
  • 6s battery

I made first time autotune flight. Roll … pid … yaw … everything looked good. Drone had completed everything, I flew down. Control to feel good. Autotune was on and power off the drone. Next day i tried to fly: stabilize mode on and take drone up, control was slow (control delay) and I couldn’t fly, too dangerous. Picture shows the PID settings. Apparently I need to do a new autotune flight. Could someone look at the bin file and tell if there was something wrong. Thank you again.

Is that a problem “Error to rate”. ? What it means?

Did you get this message in Mission Planner?

09:19:48 AutoTune: Saved gains for Pitch

The tuned values may not be saved into parameters

I did another autotune flight. Still “Error to Rate”. During the flight solex TX announced: connection lost, but the control worked and completed the autotune flight. Then I take the power off “autotune mode was on”. Can I see the reason for something " why Error to Rate"

Thank you.

“Error to Rate” is the description text for Stabilize Roll/Pitch/Yaw
It has nothing to do with error messages…

During the flight solex TX announced: connection lost, but the control worked and completed the autotune flight.

That’s because RC and telemetry are separated systems. You can still control your copter when telemetry lost but RC is still active.

Can you try to update to latest release version of firmware, reset all parameters, re-config them manually? Also, plug in the SD card.

Hi, Now is latest firmware. SD card has been in cube. I’ve made a manual adjustment, because autotune adjustments didn’t work well. I tested Loiter mode (video). What needs to be adjusted to get double braking of. Thank y.

You may follow the instructions from ardupilot wiki

Every copter frame has its own optimal settings, so I can’t really tell what is the best parameters.