Force QGC to use Fullscreen

Hello lovely People,

Today i’d like to share what i just did.
QGC doesn’t support Fullscreen (or Immersive Mode as it’s called in Android) and that bothered me.
Apparently, there’re some Apps that can force this mode, but even easier : you can just tell QGC to use Fullscreen via ADB!

The Full command you should execute in your Terminal (on Windows, wherever adb.exe is located, on *nix you can do it anywhere as long as you have android-tools installed)

adb shell settings put global policy_control immersive.full=org.mavlink.qgroundcontrol

You need to have ADB Enabled in the Developer Menu, and have talked to the Device atleast once to allow access from your PC. There’s some Guidance from CubePilot here.

That’s all.

Very cool…thank you!