Hello Team,
I have recently purchased Herelink and it’s working well using the preinstalled QGC. I tried to build and install the QGC from the link mentioned in the Herelink User Guide in the remote unit. I changed the package name of the application, so that I can install it on the device without uninstalling preinstalled QGC. I found out that there was significant amount of delay in the video in the version that I built as compared to the preinstalled version. On checking the console logs, I found out that my version of QGC couldn’t find the hardware decoder which explains the delay.
I have the followed the exact built instructions to build the QGC. Details Below
- Repository: https://github.com/cubepilot/qgroundcontrol-herelink
- Qt Version: 5.11.0
- NDK Version: 15 (July 2017)
- SDK version: 26
Deployment Steps:
- Changed package name of the app in android manifest
- Installed using ADB
Exact Error from Log:
[!] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/VideoStreaming/VideoReceiver.cc:355 - “VideoReceiver::start() failed. Error with gst_element_factory_make(‘amcviddec-omxarmvideov5xxdecoder’)”
Complete Console Log of QGC of VideoReceiver.cc log file:
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QGCApplication.cc:184 - “System reported locale: QLocale(English, Latin, UnitedStates) “en_US””
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QGCApplication.cc:277 - “Settings location “/data/user/0/org.mavlink.qgroundcontrolNew/files/.config/QGroundControl.org/QGroundControl.ini” Is writable?: true”
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QGCLoggingCategory.cc:98 - “Filter rules “*Log.debug=false\n””
[E] at :0 - “Device does not support Bluetooth”
[!] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/VideoStreaming/VideoReceiver.cc:251 - “VideoReceiver::start() failed because URI is not specified”
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/Vehicle/MAVLinkLogManager.cc:360 - “MAVLink logs directory: “/storage/emulated/0/QGroundControl/Logs””
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCMapEngine.cpp:229 - “Map Cache in: “/data/user/0/org.mavlink.qgroundcontrolNew/files/QGCMapCache300” / “qgcMapCache.db””
[E] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCTileCacheWorker.cpp:1112 - “No Internet Access”
[E] at :0 - “QGeoTileRequestManager: Failed to fetch tile (5858,3417,13) 5 times, giving up. Last error message was: ‘Network not available’”
[E] at :0 - “QGeoTileRequestManager: Failed to fetch tile (5858,3418,13) 5 times, giving up. Last error message was: ‘Network not available’”
[E] at :0 - “QGeoTileRequestManager: Failed to fetch tile (5859,3417,13) 5 times, giving up. Last error message was: ‘Network not available’”
[E] at :0 - “QGeoTileRequestManager: Failed to fetch tile (5859,3418,13) 5 times, giving up. Last error message was: ‘Network not available’”
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/comm/UDPLink.cc:233 - “Adding target QHostAddress(“”) 58763”
[D] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/comm/MAVLinkProtocol.cc:192 - “Switching outbound to mavlink 2.0 due to incoming mavlink 2.0 packet: 0xcae354a8 1 2”
[I] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/FactSystem/ParameterManager.cc:785 - “Attemping load from cache”
[I] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/FactSystem/ParameterManager.cc:885 - “Parameters cache match failed /data/user/0/org.mavlink.qgroundcontrolNew/files/.config/QGroundControl.org/ParamCache/1_1.v2”
[E] at qrc:/toolbar/GPSRTKIndicator.qml:27 - “qrc:/toolbar/GPSRTKIndicator.qml:27: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘connected’ of null”
[E] at qrc:/toolbar/GPSRTKIndicator.qml:100 - “qrc:/toolbar/GPSRTKIndicator.qml:100: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘active’ of null”
[E] at qrc:/toolbar/GPSRTKIndicator.qml:112 - “qrc:/toolbar/GPSRTKIndicator.qml:112: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘numSatellites’ of null”
[!] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/VideoStreaming/VideoReceiver.cc:355 - “VideoReceiver::start() failed. Error with gst_element_factory_make(‘amcviddec-omxarmvideov5xxdecoder’)”
[E] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCTileCacheWorker.cpp:1112 - “No Internet Access”
[E] at :0 - “QGeoTileRequestManager: Failed to fetch tile (46871,27344,16) 5 times, giving up. Last error message was: ‘Network not available’”
[E] at :0 - “QGeoTileRequestManager: Failed to fetch tile (46870,27344,16) 5 times, giving up. Last error message was: ‘Network not available’”
[E] at /home/aabhishek/all_ws/qt_ws/qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCTileCacheWorker.cpp:1112 - “No Internet Access”
Please help urgently. @philip @Michael_Oborne