Here4 CAN FD

I accidentally turned on CAN FD trying to get my uCenter firmware updates working properly. No matter the baud rate it keeps failing. Now I can’t talk to the Here4 once I turned on CAN FD. Is there any way to reset it?

Have you tried to reset the parameters? How do you turn off CAN FD mode when you say you can’t talk to the Here4 while it’s on?

@Sammy do you recall what baudrate did you set for CANFD. You will need to set the same on Here4 as well.

Also use Mission Planner on windows for updating firmware through u-center. And make sure you are not ovewriting Moving baseline feature that comes packaged with Here4. Here 4 Manual | CubePilot

I had changed the baud rate to 250k. I changed the CAN FD parameter as well. Both on the here4 parameters, not on the pixhawk. Thus the reason I could no longer get to them thru the pixhawk. I did finally regain access after hooking up i2c and enabling the serial I believe. I was able to format the parameters and start over finally. Took me a week :slight_smile: