Herelink app crashed during flight after communication lost

Hi there,

This is my first time posting here and looking for some help on how i can figure out what happened and keep it from happening.

Some background… I’m a drone pilot working for a company that do aerial applications for mosquito control. We have done thousands of missions with DJI drones but this year we bought a new system that runs on a cube orange and has a herelink as a RC.

So what happened… I was running a mission on UgCS, which i had done all day the day before, and when the drone was out 100 m maybe i had an RC link failsafe trigger, which put the drone in RTL mode. The herelink screen went dark and at the top it said ‘communication lost’. After a few seconds the link was reestablished, which allowed me to take control back over the drone to try and land it manually. But then, the herelink lost connection again, black screen, ‘communication lost’, drone went into RTL again but the the app (QGC) crashed and asked me to restart. I’m fuzzy on the details here as a 25kg+ drone was in the air trying to auto land in a 5mx5m square. I eventually got the controls back and landed it swiftly.

Now i am having a hard time reaching the reseller, which is why i’m here. He suggested i look at the space available on the herelink. It says 3gb available on 4.8gb. I’m not familiar with these systems, so i dont know how i can pull logs from the herelink if there are any? UgCS says it was an RC failsafe that was triggered and mission planner cant connect to the Flight controller to give me the logs from the actual flight, this message shows up :

Getting list of log files…
Error:System.TimeoutException: Timeout on read - GetLogEntry
at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.d__268.MoveNext() in C:\Users\mich1\Desktop\CubePilot\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\ArduPilot\Mavlink\MAVLinkInterface.cs:line 5927
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at MissionPlanner.Utilities.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass1_01.<<AwaitSync>b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at MissionPlanner.Utilities.Extensions.AwaitSync[T](Task1 infunc)
at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.GetLogList() in C:\Users\mich1\Desktop\CubePilot\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\ArduPilot\Mavlink\MAVLinkInterface.cs:line 5871
at MissionPlanner.Log.LogDownloadMavLink.b__12_0() in C:\Users\mich1\Desktop\CubePilot\MissionPlanner\Log\LogDownloadMavLink.cs:line 80

so if anyone would like to help me here it would be highly appreciated.


please grab the log directly via usb, or direct from the sdcard

Hey Michael,

Thanks for responding. The error message in my initial post is the actual error message i get when i am plugged in directly into the flight controller via USB. I will open up our drone today and grab the logs from the SD card directly.

Also, our reseller reached out this morning and told me to look for the QGC logs on the herelink remote via Android Settings → Internal shared storage → Other → Explore → QGroundControl → Logs

Will report back when i find something.

Hey there,

So i finally managed to pull the logs from the SD Card and I also found the logs on the Herelink. There is two different instances which happened here which are essentially the same issue i’ve had from the last post, which is a radio link failsafe which triggered an RTL.

We are switching the herelink for a futaba this week so we can proceed with our operations but i’ll leave this here in case someone can tell me if they have any other input on this issue.

Thank you

Were you able to find out what the issue was with the remote connection lost message .