Herelink connection to a laptop

I am trying to connect to air unit from my laptop but couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Is there any possible ways to make SSID visible?

Also couldn’t reach the root of the air unit.

Any guides or repos about them?


Be sure your both units are correctly updated with the lastest firmware.

And follow these steps :


PS: Can @sidbh r a Github admin push this tuto in the docs. I made it about 2 month ago…

Is this in? I don’t see a pull request

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Thank you for your answer. I will try it as soon as I can. Can I connect with my Mission Planner on my laptop with this settings? and do I need the controller after turning this on?


Thanks @philip for pushing it !

Below the link :

The computer can not connect directly to the air unit, it connects to the controller. So yes, it must be powered on.