HereLink controller unit powering off during flight

Yes we are running the stable release. I will share the bug report asap.

Hi all,

Has this issue been resolved? We experience the exact same problem. When sharing the stream via HotSpot the Herelink Ground Unit reboots every 10 minutes or so. It is not usable like this. No issues when Hotspot-Stream is disabled.

We urgently need a solution for this.

Many thanks in advance.


Latest Stable Firmware on Ground and Air Unit
Using QGC on Ground Unit
Streaming via Hotspot to Apple iPad using VLC



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Hi Sven,

I use a router to connect any device to the HereLink ground unit. I think it has less delay and the unit needs to do less stuff.

I actually have a device which reboots the moment I connect to the rtsp stream. Another device does it from time to time. But the others work quite well. I only use 720p.



Hi Sven, I’m having the exact same problem with the exact same setup as yourself. Hopefully this is resolved soon.

Hi, some of our clients are reporting the same user experience. The herelink groundstation is powering of and it takes about 60s to restart and get back in control. While taking off or landing it is critical if this happens. Is there a way to get back to the older firmware?

What we‘ve noticed is a potential link between the issue and the ambient temperature.

We fly at night times only.

Cool nights around 10 deg Celsius there seems to be no issues.

Warm nights around 15 deg Celsius or more the issue seems to occur all the time.

Not 100% sure yet if this can be reproduced. But it is an assumption. Maybe a heat/load related issue.

I will check if the problem disappears when using a router instead of Hotspot for video streaming as suggested by @hextd Tobias.

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Hi, we have the same problem. We have 20 units and they all give us problems, we minimize the problem somewhat by putting fans, but on hot days or after several hours of use, it heats up and restarts. I would like to know how you do the router thing so I can try it. We also go down to 720 to remove processing but there are still reboots. thanks in advance

We have also been using herelink since 1 year and we also have the same problem. It seems that it is all related to high temperatures. The herelink (i.e. the screen) gets hot and then it reboots. There are no fans inside herelink for heat exhaust and therefore i am afraid that the problem will persist as far as there are no design changes.
Yasir Khizar

Tested now with streaming via mini 5G router instead of Herelink hotspot. It went well with no reboots. Yet to be confirmed by further test flights.

I do not understand why it is now happening this. I understand, there is a temperature problems, as the herelink has no active cooling system, but this problem did not happen, at least, not that often as with the latest release.
@Michael_Oborne could you please tell if there is a new release coming soon or if we could go back to the previous release?


We did further test flights with the router solution for video sharing (instead of Herelink hotspot) with disappointing results.

The ground unit rebooted every few minutes. It was immediately ok as soon as we disabled video sharing (disconnected from the router and disabled video sharing in the Herelink settings). It was around 30 degrees Celsius during the afternoon. I still believe the issue is temperature related.



Hi, I am having similar problems. The unit is brand new - unboxed, updated and charged today. I was modifying some autopilot parameters in QGC before the first test flight and the ground unit battery percentage suddenly dropped from ~95% to 1% and it powered off. No video link was active. Seems like a bad battery to me.

I do not know if this is related. It seems like bad hardware.

Does anybody in team has any clue? Is there any update coming soon in order to avoid this reboot problem?

Having similar problems here. We have 3 herelink ground stations that will all reboot if in a hot environment, especially if in the sun. Using the hotspot amplifies the issue.

This is very serious. How come nobody from CubePilot can answer to this issue?

One suggestion: do you think that modify the enclosure (drilling the plastic case to increase air flow) can solve the problem?

We are waiting for the report from factory. At this stage we can’t give any solid answer.

Modifying the case is not recommended as you will void the warranty.

CubePilot is not the maker of the Herelink hardware …This hardware comes from China

Thanks Alvin for your answer. I look forward to get a final answer ASAP. We didn’t use our Herelink yet, but we carry payloads that cost more that 250K$ and we need super reliable links.
We trust in your HW design, so we expect a final solution for all of us that had - or may have in the future - this critical issue.

I have now checked this with a second Herelink unit on a second copter with exact same setup up but with the recent beta firmware instead.

The re-booting issue did not occur. Everything went well.

However this unit was used before only without using Hotspot, so not sure if this ground unit would have had the same issue while it was on stable firmware.

It would be interesting to hear from others with multiple Herelink units if they discover the re-booting issue on all their units or if there are good and bad units.

P.S. Other issue now: With beta firmware this unit does very very often not show the video in QGC which was not the case while on stable. Once video is detected it is rock solid until next battery change. Will put it on a separate post.

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Rolled this unit back to stable. This ground unit is NOT rebooting inflight under similar conditions so far. On stable and on beta firmware.

2 units are not much to do any statistics but I assume that there are good and bad units in terms of the reboot issue while hotspot streaming.

@Alvin Once you have a report from your factory, a feedback would be appreciated and if there are any identification criteria for units that may have the problem (production date, serial number, chipset serial numbers….or such?). Thank you in advance.

