HERELINK - Dual Mode with computer as slave


I just bought the Herleink and it is incredible! All the features, the video sharing, the low latency. It’s very nice.

For a project we want to control a two-axis gimbal as payload with a computer so that automatic positions can be set without the need for a second operator. According to the documentation, the best way is to connect the gimbal to SBUS 2 to control it.

The only way I have found to connect the SBUS2 according to the manual is to use DUAL MODE on the remote by setting one command as MAIN and the other as SLAVE. Can the slave control signal be emulated in some way to get a PC to act as SLAVE and send the controlled channel signal to the MAIN
in such a way that it comes out through SBUS2 on channels 17 onwards? It could be possible to connect the PC by UDP and send the commands to the MAIN?

The idea is to connect a computer by UDP emulating the slave to the Remote MAIN in dual mode. What is the python code we need?

Thank you very much for the help.

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Hi, is there any solution for that? Thanks!

I am not sure, but may be you can try this, connect main to PC GCS by UDP and control your gimbal with GCS(PC GCS > Main controller > gimbal).