Herelink ethernet/ usb tether combo


I have a setup as follows:
companion pc - > ethernet adapter-> herelink air → herelink ground → ground station pc (usb tethered or wifi hotspot from herelinl)

The goal is to send data from the companion pc to the ground station pc. I can reach the companion pc from herelink, but not from my pc, because of the following:

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface        *          U     0      0        0 wlan0     *        U     0      0        0 lmi40    *        U     0      0        0 usb0   *        U     0      0        0 br-vxlan

I want to forward from usb0 to br-vxlan, but iptables requires root access. Would there be another way to solve this without using an ethernet adapter connected to herelink ground?

usb0 will already be part of the bridge

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also, if you are happy with just wifi, im pretty sure ip forwarding is already enabled, just setup a static route from your CC, as the herelinks default route will be over the wifi

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Thanks for your reply @Michael_Oborne :)! I’m a little bit confused.

My herelink ground unit has an ip address in the range of 192.168.42.(129 to be exact) for usb0. Thus via the route command on the Herelink ground station it is sent via the usb0 interface. Pinging thus works between Herelink gs and the pc attached (via usb0).

However, Herelink ground station, Herelink air unit and my second pc have an IP in the range of 192.168.144 (thus via br-vxlan). The Herelinks had it by default, the second pc I gave an ip ( I can ping the three with each other, but I can’t ping the PC connected to Herelink gs, because these packages are never send via the usb0 interface.

I must say I’m new to bridging/ forwarding so please correct me if I’m wrong.

I confirmed I can send files between the two computers when using two ethernet adapters, however I still cannot get this to work using usb-tethering. Despite ipv4 forwarding being turned on, packages are not being forwarded between the br-vxlan and the usb0 interface. How can I create forwarding between these two interfaces without having root access?

Im not entirely sure atm - but it might have to do with remote unit routing rules - and yes changing these requires root access on the remote unit.

use the ip

leave whatever ip your pc gets as it is, as dhcp is required ie 192.168.42.XX

Using that I cannot ping the air unit ( I also cannot ping the groundunit on, without adding a static route on my pc.

Adding a static route: sudo ip route add via, I can ping the ground unit on both and

This is all from the computer that is tethered to the ground unit. From the companion computer I can ping both the air unit and the ground unit using their ip. I did add a static ip for this.

ok, on my test i disconnected from other networks while i run the test, so the pc was only connected via usb tethering, which means the default route was the herelink.

Indeed when I turn off my other networks the default route is via Herelink. From Herelink (gu) I can ping the air unit ( and my pc, however from my pc I still cannot ping the airunit (same problem as before…). Anything else I can try?