Actualy, we need bonding(active-backup) on two side.Wired connection will be main and wifi connection is backup. Are there any way to do this. Because our vehicle is indoor-ground-vehicle and sometimes wireless connection is lost. In such cases, we want to use the wired connection.
I am using the Ethernet function for talking to the companion computer that is on the drone. But I want to eliminate some parts for weight saving. Our current setup:
Herelink Air unit -> USB to ethernet adapter -> USB to ethernet adapter -> Linux companion computer (without JR45 eth socket)
This system works perfectly, but it takes weight and space and it looks quite stupid, because it is just micro USB to micro USB with 2 of the same USB to ethernet adapters in between with a very short ethernet cable. Is there a way to make this smarter? Like using just micro USB to micro USB? With some changes in Linux?
Try using UAVCast Pro( Introduction - UAVcast-Pro) licence key for 1 year is only 39 USD with a companion computer such as RasPi to reduce weight and get a LTE 4G setup for your drone application !!
I have set up a manual route on my pc that is connected to the hotspot: sudo ip route add via dev wlp0s20f3. A bit disappointed to see your reply that its not possible, how come I can access but not my payload at 32? would likely work
but will not. reason being is that device has no default route, and is designed that way, to prevent any traffic leaking from the air unit to places it does not need to talk too. ie any traffic from that device will use valuable bandwidth that would otherwise be used for video or telemetry.
you could however add a default route to the air unit, and it would work.
create a file /sdcard/ on the air unit and add
Thanks for getting back to me, that makes sense except that I am able to both ping and connect to adb of both the air unit and the ground unit without any extra /sdcard/ See this screenshot:
As you can see I can also ping the payload from the remote Ground unit adb shell.
What I am trying to achieve is to connect laptop->WiFi-> (GCS) i.e.> → Air unit → On board computer