Herelink Frequency Channel selection

I want to go for FCC certification, for the lab test I want to select different frequency channel for Low, Mid and High as example 2412, 2442 & 2464 MHz.

Does anyone know how to switch frequency channels?

This will be back in the soon to release firmware.

When should I expect? I have to go for fcc certification any beta version with this feature is available?

Can you try to update the controller to beta firmware? I think the frequency channel selection is already there, 1 update older than the next big update.

Can you share the link of it.

You can select beta from the update page on Herelink.

Hello Mr Alvin,

I’m looking for the frequency channel list.
→ In the “Radio Status” > “FREQUENCY” menu, we can change the fixed frequency :
For example : 47100 to 47725

What do these values correspond to (Unit) ?
I’m looking for a documented list that gives the real frequency correspondence on the 2.4GHz band (See specs shown below).

HERE LINK Controller Unit

Model: HX4-06211
SRD for 10MHz: 2409MHz-245971Hz
SRD for 20MHz: 2412MHz- 2462MHz

DL BW 20MHz :
47100 → Frequency in MHz ? (2412 MHz ?)
47105 → Frequency in MHz ?
47110 → Frequency in MHz ?
47725 → Frequency in MHz ?

Thank you for your support !