Herelink Remote ID Questions

Hello guys,

I am prototyping drones to hopefully eventually sell as a manufacturer and recently I have been working on the remote ID integration. I am using a DB201 module and Cube Orange flight controller, along with the latest Herelink. My problems is that it seems like everything is just very buggy and not working smoothly. I follow all of the instructions from BlueMark and am using the DB201 on CAN bus, alongside the dual Here3 units on my drone. I have all of the remote ID parameters configured appropriately I think. But getting the system to actually let me arm is very hard. It many times toggles between ready and not-ready in the pre-arm checks. Many times I get the message “ODID SYSTEM not available” and I can’t resolve the issue until cycling power on everything.

I feel like problem is coming from how the Herelink handle the remote ID, but I could be wrong. It seems like this part is buggy, but I don’t understand completely the whole data flow between everything. Is there a way to debug this or learn more about where it is failing?

Is there any documentation on the remote ID functionality of the Herelink?

Thank you.