Herelink Stick Input Freezes Randomly

I have this strange issue with the Herelink where the Stick input (Roll/Pitch) Gets randomly stuck on a position and causes a complete loss of control with the Aircraft and almost had 2x near-crashes.

The herelink stick inputs randomly get stuck, and the operator cannot control the aircraft, as the radio input sent to the pixhawk say that the Roll or Pitch to go somewhere, but infact its not being commanded by the pilot.

Logifile here:

The only fix I have at the moment is to restart the herelink controller after ever 2-3 flights (70mins each flight)

Is there any fix for this @Michael_Oborne

can you provide what firmware version number you have on both the air unit and the gcs unit?

Hi @Michael_Oborne

The Herelink Controller & Air Unit Firmware are below:

Do you think that perhaps it could be from a firmware related issue?

Hey Michael,
We countered the exact same issue with the herelink controller again. Do you know if this is to do with the firmware?

Hi @Michael_Oborne we had this issue repeat itself again today! And we almost had 2 aircraft collide! This is very dangerous. Have you had the time to see what this could be? This is very important for us, as lives could be in danger especially if it had a low altitude fly away and someone is near by.