Herelink update for latest QGC release v4.2.6


Does anyone know whether we could use / Update the latest QGC 4.2.6 or v4.2.4 with the Herelink Radio Telemetry. It looks like the current Herelink QGC v4.0.8 is not compatible with the laptop version where are using the latest QGC build v4.2.6 / v4.2.6


The last compatible QGC version is 4.1.7 and the last Arducopter version is 4.2.3.

Everything later causes issues.

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do you have a link to this QGC update.
I am on PX4 stack. Is it ok to use QGC4.1.7

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OK, that’s great, since I’ve just updated to Arducopter v4.3.5. :wink: Could you point me towards some of the “issues” you’ve mentioned?

the issues for the PX4 stack includes battery calibration is not saving on Herelink . While i try to set the battery volt parameter from the laptop, it doesn’t set there either. It shows batt depreciated use batt1_xx parameter. Even batt1 cannot be selected either from Herelink or from laptop.

@hextd Tobias

How do you install a QGC. exe version to a Android device like Herelink .

Maybe you can update your Herelink APP this way

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Yes, but i require to update QGC and Herelink only supports specific versions .

Did anyone ever resolve this? I am bocked on being able to use gimbal functions from QGC without updated QGC version