How can I connect my controller CAN to pixhawk CAN?

Hello All
I want to read 4 sensors (Temperature, Speed in rpm, distance, and fuel level ) data on the CAN2 pin (CANH, CANL, Vi, GND) in Pixhwak and display this data on the ground station(Mission Planner). All sensors give an analog voltage so I read this voltage and calibrated their appropriate value.
So how can I connect my controller CAN to pixhawk CAN?
Can i see all sensor data in the mission planner?

Thank You.

All sensors give an analog voltage so I read this voltage and calibrated their appropriate value.

Its not how CAN works. CAN is protocol. You can’t read analog from it.
Do your sensors support UAVCAN?

Yes Sir, my all sensor(Temperature, Speed in rpm, distance, and fuel level ) also support CAN Protocol. But how can i configure these sensors on the mission planner?

You will need to modify the parameters in the full parameter list
Instructions can be found on ardupilot wiki:

Ardupilot currently supports the following types of UAVCAN peripherals:

UAVCAN device type is selected by:

  • GPS,Compass, Barometer, ADSB Receiver, LED, Buzzer, Safety Switch/LED, and > Airspeed devices are automatically identified in the UAVCAN protocol
  • Rangefinder: RNGFNDx_TYPE = 24
  • Power Module: BATT_MONITOR or BATTx_MONITOR = 8

By hardware you should only need to plug the CAN cable into the port.
By software, you may need to ask on ardupilot forum if you want more details.