How to obtain an activation key for a brand new herelink set?


I bought brand new herelink from ebay in manufactured package. I don’t have a contact of a person who sold it and I was shocked when I found out that I also need license key that I could not find on the back of the remote.

So it works perfectly well but then I decided to update the firmware on both remote and air unit. And now it’s asking for license key. I understand that this is tricky question, but can you help me found out the workaround here? Can I obtain a key, please?

Here is my SN: HX4-06075 and HX4060759500896

I appreciate you help!

My android serial number is 62d4c891

@Chris can problaly help.


I am still waiting, guys

Can you PM me the key, please :pray:

If you bought it on eBay, it’s not new.
None of our resellers use eBay

There is a licence sticker on the back of all genuine units.

And yes, there are grey market fake herelinks.

Ask the seller where the sticker is, and which reseller they purchased it from.


Here is @Michael_Oborne helped and shared the key. Can you do the same?
I don’t have the contact with the seller anymore and I did not know that there must be a license key. I don’t think it’s grey herelink since it was packaged very nicely.

Check this out, maybe this is some old model I dunno

It worked just before update to the last version

@Serhii_UA - did you get the issue resolved yet? - I consider buying a set, but all this activation/proprietary stuff makes me concerned that it’s a wrong path.

Just but it from authorized resellers and you should not have any problems like me :frowning:

does it mean the Herelink is less worth or worthless as used? - I do not see how you buying it used should diminish its functionality.
What exactly triggered this issue?

It was probably herelink of some old generation without license code and with old firmware (there was only qground control, nothing else). I decided to upgrade to the last version and end up with bricked remote unit because now it asked to enter activation key.
I hope guys will help me later becasue herelink set does not look fishy, it’s probably from some pre-activation-key era, since it’s it pinecone branded and cubepilot was pinecone years ago.

I see, the activation stuff makes me gag, but I have one set ordered just to test it. Then I’ll see if if will be more sets. Another significant drawback is not being able to use one ground unit for more than one air-unit. (needing one set per UAV)

The activation stuff happened due to a company in China stealing… and I literally mean stealing thousands of units from our factory. There are some other complicated issues, ie, the core of the system can’t be open due to hardware licensing issues that are out of our control.

This has been an ongoing problem.

We wish we didn’t need to do this as well, but it is what it is.


I see the sticker was there on the pic, so must have been a well use unit.

We are trying to track it down, sorry for the hassle, but it is the responsibility of the seller to give you the license, you have basically been scammed by them

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It looks used because I actually use it but with old firmware version.
anyway, I don’t understand why in one cases you, guys, share the keys, and in another, don’t. It’s really frustrating.

@philip Thank you for a good explanation and reason.

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