I can't adjust the gstreamer display screen resolution

I am capturing image on usb camera using gstreamer. I want to display the images I have taken on the screen herelink. The code is here.

`gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! image/jpeg, width =1240, height=720, framerate=15/1 ! jpegparse !! jpegdec ! videoconvert ! xvimagesing sync = false`

This way it takes up half of the screen. When I set the resolution to 1920 * 1080, no image appears on the screen. How can I see my image full screen?

width =1240, height=720

Can you confirm it is 1080p? Also it have to be 30/60fps.

If it’s still not working, verify the format is H.264 MP4 or not.

I can say it’s 1080p and 30fps. I checked them. I see that the format is MJPG.

Then you will need to convert it to the appropriate format.