Issues opening MAVLink Console w/ QGC and Cube Blue


I’m using a Cube Blue H7 with PixHawk 2.1, firmware 4.3.6 Cube Orange (previously at 4.3.7, I’ve tried switching to different versions and have encountered this issue on all of them). When I connect to this board using QGC on my laptop via USB, the MAVLink console does not work. I just see a blank line, if I type something and hit enter it disappears with no response. I’m able to see and modify all the appropriate parameters, and am able to use the MAVLink inspector feature as well. However, I need to use the console to debug my precision landing setup (IR Lock), and I am not able to use this.

Any ideas on how to fix my issue? It occurs to me that the console might be disabled by the vendor, but the company which assembled this drone is now defunct so I cannot reach out to them for support.

Are you using Herelink telemetry here

Yes but at the moment I am trying to access the console in qgc from my laptop plugged in via microusb

It doesn’t work via herelink connection either

Could you kindly let me know which version of QGC are you running on the Hrrelink. Also does the battery readings work correctly over the QGC in Herelink

that should work . I am using QGC V4.2.3 VIA desktop and able to use the px4 nuttx console.
Are you using Ardupilot or Px4 firmware

I’m using Ardupilot, qgc on the herelink controller is development herelink v4.0.8-dev:caeaf60 from 2021-07-29 (battery readings are accurate).

qgc on my laptop is ver 4.2.7

that is great …i am using a px4…unfortunately sometimes the battery readings keep varying for some reason on the QGC display…Well for me the cube orange works wrll on the usb desktop pc . Possible that you have a corrupt driver. deletevthe old driver and install mission planner in your laptop and then check if you can get connected. to qgc.

I will try this, thanks