Just getting started, sorry, same question as always, sorry:
What cube do I get, if any?
Here is project:
I have Radiomaster TX16 coming into airplane.
I want an IMU onboard… no redundancy needed.
I want Ardupilot running on board.
I want to see the Ardupilot source code and READ the Radiomaster and IMU variables… and tweak the Ardupilot code myself to send outputs to:
10 servos
2 speed controllers
That’s it. Radiomaster TX16 and IMU as INPUTS to the algorithms that I write in Ardupilot.
I run and tweak Ardupilot code to control a bunch of servos and 2 speed controller outputs.
No GPS, no FPV, no redundancy needed.
What’s my appropriate Cube, if any?
Or do I just do this on the Pixhawk directly?