7 May 2021 15:50
I just built a new quadcopter equipped with a Black Cube, Here2 antenna and Herelink.
I regularly encounter a message at startup with QGC: “Mission transfer failed. Retry trasnfer. Error: Mission read failed, maximum retries exceeded”.
The Cube has well gps mission in memory, because despite the message, if, during a flight, I select Auto mode, it works correctly.
However, if I try to manually download the mission, it does not work and I cannot execute the Auto flight command and there is an alert.
Do you have a solution for me?
9 May 2021 12:23
I have tried again and still have the same problem in about 1/3 of the starts.
I have to reboot the Cube or the Herelink for the mission to load correctly.
I had read this post before contacting you, but I don’t know if my problem is really similar and I did not fully understand the procedure.
This is my eighth HL and this is the first I have encountered this problem with.
Any idea why I cannot upload missions from QGC to the drone since firmware updates? Same error with Geofence etc.
Also get an audio message about Mavlink?
Thanks in advance.
10 May 2021 06:29
The solution in that topic is
Go to QGC app > click the Q icon at top-left corner > Click Comm Links
> Click Add
to create new link configuration
Name: whatever
Type: UDP
Listening Port: 14551
But I’m not sure if this will help.
You may try to reflash the firmware on Herelink controller.
10 May 2021 14:42
Thank you for your reply.
I made the change, but it didn’t change anything.
I will try to reflash the HL
confirm if you have mavlink 2 enabled on the comport
3 June 2021 19:54
Hello Michael,
Sorry for my late response.
The hardware is no longer in my possession and I can’t remember if mavlink 2 was enabled.
Thanks for your help.