We use cube-orange on our drones, PX4 - v1.11.3
We encounter the following issues, we did not see on pixhawk cube-black
Local position invalid
Drone may be armed, but do not takeoff. In stabilize/manual mode motors do not increase thrust with throttle motion
mavlink messages of position and attitude are not published
When connecting via nsh and checking ekf2 status we get local position invalid
Software reboot do not help - only power off then on
RC do not respond
Drone does not respond RC commands at all (modes, switches, arm)
RC receiver led is green
Tried to connect via QGC, reflash version and re-upload parameters. I got errors which point that dshot module is not running (unknown parameter DSHOT_CONFIG, DSHOT_MIN …)
Software reboot do not help - only power off then on
Uncontrollable flight
Drone responded like its PID are very high (while before it flew ok)
Software reboot do not help - only power off then on
Opened also same issue on Github: