NMEA output from telemetry2

Can I transfer NMEA output using telemetry port2 in cube , How I can do that @Michael
I tried SETTING like
Serial2 Baud-57600
Seraial2 protocol -20
Radio - RFD900+ with Same ID on both(Air and Ground)

what does the output look like?

$GNRMC,143909.00,A,5107.0020216,N,11402.3294835,W,0.036,348.3,210307,0.0,E,A*3. it will look like this

I know what NMEA looks like, I’m asking what’s coming from the Telem port NOW.

@davidbitton nothing I am getting,means no data

Have you confirmed the port is good? Is the port able to output Mavlink? Do you have a TTL<->USB (FTDI) adapter that you can check the output?

No I am not getting nothing