No lights on Pixhawk?

Hi all,

I have my first Pixhawk Cube, I have the latest firmware 3.9.8 and I have this question:

When I connect the cube to the PC with an USB cable it first connects as “Legacy FMU (COM 4)” and lights are: 1 flashing red and 1 solid red. Then change to 1 solid red, then 1 flashing red and it changes to “USB Serial device (COM 7)” and the lights stop flasing.

I can connect with Mission Planner through COM 7 and all seems OK, but no lights are ON. Is that OK? Or some light has to be on?

I saw on a youtube video that after flashing firmware and connecting to MP a green light is on.


No lights is correct, but looks like you have the wrong drivers and firmware, should say CubeBlack

Thanks for yor response Philip.

I uninstall and re-install MP and it happens the same. Tried on another PC and it first connects as “Legacy FMU (COM 7)”

And then it changes to “STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port (COM5)”


I couldn’t find where to download drivers to recognize it as “CubeBlack”, do you know where can I download them?

The new drivers can only be installed from latest
Mission planner msi file best to uninstall old version first. Updates will not update drivers