No SBUS input

Just purchased a new herelink 1.1 setup. Coming from the older 1.0 version hardware and have flown plenty of orange cube/herelink previously.

Unfortunately, I’m unable to get any SBUS signals - I have been working this problem for about a week now. I see many other having the same issue and there is a lot of writing about firmware versions but none seem to write that it actually fixes the issue. So, here is what I have:

  • Air unit version: AU01230714
  • QGC version; RU01240301
  • Orange cube+ and standard ADS board
  • Air unit and controller is paired
  • Getting telemetry, GPS position etc on controller
  • No RC input seems to get to the cube

Here is what I have tried:

  • Reinstalled firmware (not beta) multiple times on both air unit and controller
  • Recalibrated sticks and SBUS on controller
  • Messed around with sbus cables

What I would like som input on:

  • Am I missing some parameter settings on the cube? I have attached a zip of my current parameters.

Anything else I could be missing? (5.2 KB)

@sidbh @philip

Which carrier board?
Have you got a photo of your wiring?

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Since you have been shuffling firmwares it is possible you have loaded incompatible versions on the hand controller and the air unit.
Please contact your reseller for support.

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Already have. Awaiting their reply.

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The physical connections look good.
You need to set RC_PROTOCOLS,8

Currently you have RC_PROTOCOLS,2 which is PPM. You could use 1 for everything, but I find it handy to set the value for the specific protocol in use to be sure expectations are met.

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Makes no difference unfortunately.