Orange Cube+ Late Connection Issue

Hello, I use orange cube+ for fixed wings. I uploaded the firmware to orange cube+ without any problem and orange cube+ worked perfectly. Then I started the make calibrations. First I made accelerator calibrations. And it worked. Second, I made compass calibration but after rotating the orange cube+ in all directions. MP notified me that I needed to reboot the orange cube+. After I reboot the orange cube+, I connect the computer, Orange cube+ gives the melody that it can be connected very late and different to usual therefore I can connect very late.

Connect Melody

Any one?

Sound indicates no sd card or bad SD card.

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But orange cube+ is opening after while. What should I do? Should I change the SD card? Is that make any other problem. Thank you so much for your help.

Yes. Swap SD card and check.

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It worked. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate that.

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