Pixhawk 2.1 servos not responfing

I have made a hexacopter with the pixhawk cube orange and it is flying perfectly. Recently I tried to add a drop mechanism with the help of a servo motor on channel 8- servo output pin 7. I also made the relevent changes in the software and the I can see the output 7 pin responding on the screen but the servo still doesn’t work

The servo is unresponsive and doesn’t even lock into position when connected. I tried various servos (futaba and tower pro) but none connected.

Servo rail don’t supply power. You need to connect independent power to it, such as BEC.

I connected a 5v supply directly to the servo. That doesn’t work, does it?

Directly supply power to the servo should work as long as you have common ground.
The point is servo rail don’t supply power to connected devices. Autopilot only output PWM signals. You need to power up the peripheral by external power.