Please help me to understand what exaclty led to a crash

Hi everyone. today I had a painful crash withe a brand new 30 inch hexacopter.
The copter is a hexa with 30-inch propellers. The first three flights, two days ago, went smoothly with no issues at all. Today, during takeoff (in Loiter), the drone suddenly and aggressively tilted forward on the pitch axis. I tried to compensate from the transmitter, and everything turned into a chaotic flight that lasted about one minute. After a few seconds—2 or 3—I switched the flight mode to Stabilize, but that didn’t help either. In the log, you can see that the maximum tilt exceeded 100 degrees, even though the set limit was 25.
Please help!
You can download the log from here: Dropbox

Video here: Dropbox