Autopilot: CubeOrangePlus with ArduPlane V4.5.7
I have received this error several times now. What does it mean and how can I turn it off? It is also not clear to me what triggers it. Can anyone help me, or is it a hardware fault as the autopilot is new.
Try turning off all checks needed to arm (although not recommended). set ARMING_CHECK to 0, ARMING_REQUIRE to 1. I am new to all this but these settings helped me.
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Hello vardhman_shah,
thanks for the answer. Were you able to switch the checks back on afterwards and the error no longer occurred, or do the checks have to remain off permanently?
Were you able to find out what triggers the error message? In my case, the error does not occur immediately at startup, but later and not always.
Since I am using the cube to control a rover, I have not turned on the checks again but I assume the errors will still be there because I just disabled them and haven’t solved what caused the error.