ProfiLED Setup

Hi All,
Simply looking to set up the ProfiLED as a repeater light for the Here2 and Here3 once I merge across. So far I am only getting the default white lights out of the LEDs, meaning they are not getting the proper signal. I have been using the guide for the setup but have clearly missed something.

The test jig set up is as follows:
Here2 on I2C
Cube Black running AC 4.1.0DEV
Servo1 = 129
Servo2 = 132

ProfiLED Header is connected as follows:
Yellow (Clock) = AUX 2
Green (Data) = AUX1

The only message I get in MMP is “RCOut: PWM:1-10” which does not include anything about the ProfiLEDs as it should so I am assuming I have made an address error. Any help greatly appreciated.

First LED was damaged, only showing white. Im assuming this was done when setting up the jig.
The LED being damaged made it harder to locate the error, but simple mistake of assigning to the wrong pins.

Servo1 should have been Servo9 = 129 (AUX1)
Servo2 should have been Servo10 = 132. (AUX2)

All now works once the first LED was removed and the pins assigned properly.