PWM bus issues

Would anyone know the potential causes of AUX ports not sending the same amount of signal anymore? I have 2 AUX ports on a cube Orange plus that send lower voltages when the port is asked to send the same PWM. Normal voltages are 1000us will see about .19 vols and 2000us sees about .35 volts. These two ports are about .2 volts lower. The other odd thing is if I increase the PWM in the config, I can get the voltage to go to the correct amounts, but I need to set those two to 1300-2300us. I am lost as to what would cause this. A new cube does not have this issue, so I am looking for a “What could have failed” answer.

How are you measuring the output signals?


DC voltmeter using the 2 volt scale.

I would try a scope to really see what is happening. Though I agree that the avg voltage should be the same between devices.