Px4Flow on Cube?


Can I use a Px4Flow on a Cube?

Im trying to use it on the I2C port with this manuals:


But no luck.

@philip @Anubis ?


Absolutely yes. It runs well.

The issue with the PX4Flow, is do you have a real one? Some of the clones were unreliable.

Has it worked before on anything?

What Lidar are you using with it?

What issues are you seeing?

Have you done the calibration?

When doing the calibration, the rotation is around the center of the sensor, not the Center of your vehicle

Make sure you have the correct firmware on your flow module


The issue with the PX4Flow, is do you have a real one? Some of the clones were unreliable.
-I suppose.

Has it worked before on anything?
-I dont know, I have just get it from Ebay

What Lidar are you using with it?
-This are my first try with this, so im try it to make it work first. I get the bad optflow Healt and the opt_m_x and Y are solid 0. So no lidar yet, I want to make the optical work firs.

What issues are you seeing?
the sensor is not recognize

Have you done the calibration?
Yes, I saw the image on the qgroundcontrol and calibrate the lens.

When doing the calibration, the rotation is around the center of the sensor, not the Center of your vehicle.

It won’t work right without a good lidar,

Focusing the camera, and doing the calibration are two totally different things

you mean without lidar the opt_m_x and Y will be 0?

I know, but I cant calibrate the sensor if I cant get the flow sensor work


ok, but this PX4flow has a sonar sensor, that I cant make it work to.

IIRC the sonar is not supported any more because it wasn’t reliable enough.

edit: from the Copter documentation for PX4Flow:

Although the sensor may be supplied with a built-in Maxbotix LZ-EZ4 sonar to measure height, this has not been reliable enough over a range of surfaces in testing, so its readings are not used. It is recommended to purchase a PX4Flow device without the sonar. Instead a separate Range Finder such as the LightWare SF10b should also be attached to the vehicle.

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Get the lidar… follow the instructions

I get a TFMini, and the problem is the same…

Finaly I could make it work. The Cube has an I2C 2, and the px4flow use I2C 1. the GPS connector has the I2C 1, so I have modified a GPS cable and did the trick.

So If any one else try to use a px4flow on a Cube, you have to use the I2C connection from the GPS on the cube,set flow_type to 1 and done!

And dont use the sonar on the px4flow, seems to be not so reliable.

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Congratulations. I have some doubts. Which version of arducopter firware was used in cube black? Please share what are the paramter lists we want to setup and step by step procedure.