hello Alvin, thank you for your answer.but after clean cache, it’s the same thing.
when I press record the video goes away and a screen appears “waitting for video” then after 15 seconds the stream reappears but the record button is stopped, I press record again the video freezes on record button flashes and after 15 seconds the video returns and the record button flashes.
I stop recording but no video is recorded.
I flashed the firmware but it’s the same.
I’m disgusted … thank you
I have the same issue. Used to work fine on previous firmware. Switched over to Solex instead as we had a customer order due soon. Also a shame that recording to SD card was removed in the latest versions.
Agree here on the sd card recordings …
I have no clue whether this common sense of having video recording to the already less space in-built storage was a creation of a highly intelligent developer or a person with no experience in coding !!
Hello, il seams that many of us have this problem with QGC not working properly (error firmware compass_1 and video recording problem). So there is no solution for the moment? is that it ? firmware planned? pending then … +++
I have reported the problem to developers. It looks like the video recording in QGC crashes in most of the times. You may use Solex before the problem get fixed.
ok thank you, so waiting now.
hello, no news ? QGC with Herelink can’t record videos ? is i a bug ? thank you very muche for your answer
hello, some news about this bug?
i try ZeroPiCam with Raspberry PiZeroW ans hdmi out, all is ok with Solex, Qgc PC companion, records videos, play vidéos, but with QGC with Herelink it s impossible to record videos.