QGC Herelink 4.4.2 - Video stream between 2 Herelink

Hello! I am attempting to stream video between 2 herelink, both QGC-herelink 4.4.2.

I am receiving video from Siyi ZR30 connected via ethernet to airunit. Also, I followed this steps (Video and Data Sharing | CubePilot) for wifi tethering. However, I am not able to establish a connection. In console appears:

GStreamer error: not found
GStreamer error: Could not open resource for reading

As a second option I tried with VLC installed in Herelink video receiver. When I enter the rtsp url (rtps:// it shows:

Multiple video cannot be played

To confirm this issue in other devices I tried to receive video with my laptop with QGC 4.4 and QGC daily build. Curiously, the output is the same as the Herelink.

I played with UDP ports from common links and video sharing from Herelink Settings for Herelink receiver, but it appears to be irrelevant.